
  • Intermediate Data Science.
    Diplomado en Ciencia de Datos.
    2022, 2023, DGTIC-UNAM.
    Specialization. 30 hours.
    Link to course material.

  • Computational tools (intro to ML).
    2023, CICATA-Legaria, IPN.
    Postgraduate (online). 30 hours.
    Link to course material.

  • Evolutionary Computation.
    Diplomado en Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada.
    2023, DGTIC-UNAM.
    Specialization. 20 hours.
    Link to course material.

  • Probabilistic Reasoning.
    Diplomado en Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada.
    2023, DGTIC-UNAM.
    Specialization. 10 hours.
    Link to course material.

  • Deep Learning.
    2022, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT), unidad Aguascalientes.
    Master in Process Modeling and Optimization.
    Co-teaching with Dra. Liliana Guadarrama Bustos. 45 hours.
    Link to course material.

  • Research seminar I, II.
    Maestría en Ciencias (Astrofísica).
    2024, Universidad de Guanajuato.
    8 hours.

  • High school physics and mathematics courses (2013-2014).
    CECyT-8 of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional and other institutions.
    Courses of Algebra, Physics, Differential equations, etc.


  • Organizing Committee of the HPC-ML Workshop.
    II-Mini Workshop on HPC in Science and Engineering.
    2023, Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM.
    From 16-18 August.
    20 hours.
    Link to workshop material.

  • Machine Learning Basics.
    2021, 3rd edition of Mexican Astro-Cosmo-Statistics School.
    Universidad de Guanajuato.
    From June 28 to July 2.
    4.5 hours.
    Link to workshop material.

  • Cosmology with SimpleMC.
    2020, .
    15 hours.
    Link to workshop material.

Supervised students

Thesis Committee



Educational material


One main textbook and four supplementary materials, including guides for teachers and students, designed to complement the primary textbook used in courses. See the full list in the Textbooks Publication Section or on the ISBN-INDAUTOR website.

Matemáticas 3, Travesías Series, Castillo Editions is a mathematics textbook for high school. It has been approved by the Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) and included in the repository of the Comisión Nacional de Libros de Texto Gratuitos (CONALITEG). You can purchase it on Amazon or at El Sótano. It is also available in the CONALITEG repository.



See the full list in the Educational and outreach publications section.

Digital resources

MOOC course

Development of the MOOC course “Formación docente para la enseñanza de Matemáticas básicas” for the MexicoX platform.

In collaboration with: UPEV-IPN, Dr. Daniel Sanchez Guzman, Dr. Ricardo García Salcedo and Ricardo Medel Esquivel.

Related links:


Augmented Reality app

Didactic exploration of Augmented Reality. Development with Unity-3D, vuforia and C#.

Related links:
