Speed-up Bayesian inference with neural networks

[Section in process…], [Beta release]

SimpleMC can use Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to speed-up a Bayesian inference process. Currently, the two available methods only work with one processor and are under continuous development and improvement. At this moment we are finishing the paper and testing our method, it is available in the branch neuralike on github.com/igomezv/simplemc_tests.

In both cases, we can run SimpleMC as in the example Python script using the ini file with the genetic algorithm information.


Neuralike generate a grid over the parameter space and train an ANN with it and the corresponding likelihood values. Then, if the accuracy of the ANN predictions are consistent, perform Bayesian inference with the ANN instead of the analytical expression of the Likelihood function.

analyzername = nested

;type for dynesty -> {'single','multi', 'balls', 'cubes'}
nestedType = multi

;it is recommended around nlivepoints=50*ndim, recommended 1024
nlivepoints = 1000

;recommended 0.01
accuracy = 0.01

;u for flat(uniform) or g for gaussian prior
priortype = u

;when using gaussian prior
sigma = 2

;if nproc = 0 uses mp.cpu_count()//2 by default,
;you can set with another positive integer
nproc = 4

;Produce output on the fly
showfiles = True

;dynamic option is only for dynesty engine
;dynamic and neuralNetwork can be False/True
dynamic = False
; use genetic algorithm to generate live points
useGenetic = False
;use neural network to predict likelihoods (True/False),
;edit block neuralike to set options
useNeuralike = False

;neuralike contains options to use a neural network in likelihood evaluations over the parameter space
epochs = 100
learning_rate = 0.0001
batch_size = 8
psplit = 0.7
;hidden_layers_neurons: number of nodes per layer separated by commas
hidden_layers_neurons = 200, 200, 200
plot = True
patience = 50
# neuralike
nrand = 1000
valid_loss = 0.01
nstart_samples = 2000
nstart_stop_criterion = 100
updInt = 500
ncalls_excess = 1000