Source code for simplemc.cosmo.NuDensity

from __future__ import print_function
from simplemc.cosmo import cosmoApprox as CA
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import constants as ct
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.special import zeta
import scipy as sp
#from numba import autojit

[docs]class NuIntegral: """ This module calculates the predictions for the evolution of neutrino energy densities. Here, we compute the integral I(r). Initialiazes the nu factor in rho_nu (self.interpolator). """ def __init__(self): print("Initalizing nu density look up table...", end=' ') rat = 10**(sp.arange(-4, 5, 0.1)) intg = [] for r in rat: # <in below is to supress the overlow warning. res = quad(lambda x: sp.sqrt(x**2 + r**2) / (sp.exp(min(x, 400)) + 1.0)*x**2, 0, 1000) intg.append(res[0]/(1+r)) intg = sp.array(intg) # The right normalization. intg *= 7/8./intg[0] self.interpolator = interp1d(sp.log(rat), intg) # Type this into maple: # evalf(45*Zeta(3)/(2*Pi^4)); 0.2776566337 self.int_infty = 45*zeta(3)/(2*ct.pi**4) print("Done") # self.int_infty,intg[-1]*(1+r)/r
[docs] def SevenEights(self, mnuOT): """ Given the nu mass, returns the integral on the energy density of neutrinos. Parameters ---------- mnuOT : float Sum of the neutrino masses. Returns ------- The integral given the sum of neutrino masses. For massless neutrinos I(0)=78. """ # Massless neutrinos. if (mnuOT < 1e-4): return 7/8. # I don't think this ever matters. elif (mnuOT > 1e4): return self.int_infty*mnuOT # Return the integral for a given mass. else: return self.interpolator(sp.log(mnuOT))*(1 + mnuOT)
[docs]class ZeroNuDensity: """ Fake class that returns zeros if want to disable neutrino contributions. """ def __init__(self): return def rho(self, a): return 0.0
[docs]class NuDensity: """ Compute Density parameter for neutrinos. Parameters ---------- TCMB: float Temperature of the CMB. Nnu: float, optional Families of neutrinos. Default value is 'Neff=3.046'. mnu: float, optional Sum of the neutrino masses. Default value is 'mnu=0.06'. degenerate: bool, optional Combinations of massive neutrinos. fact: float, optional The ratio contribution: omrad_fac = 4.48130979e-7. """ I = NuIntegral() def __init__(self, TCMB, Nnu=3.046, mnu=0.06, degenerate=False, fact=None): # self.I=NuIntegral() # one neutrino species self.mnu_ = mnu self.Nnu_ = Nnu # This factor accounts for Neff=3.046 vs Neff=3 # We make Tnu hotter by this factor and hence don't need to include it below. # It's all very academic, but what do we really mean by deltaNeff=1? Is it # one neutrino worth of radiation at the nominal temperature, or heated on? # See CAMB notes Eq. 4-7. # Internal degrees of freedom. self.gfact = (3.046/3.0) self.gfact_o4 = self.gfact**(0.25) # Ideal neutrino temp. self.Tnu0 = (4./11.)**(1./3.)*TCMB # Actual neutrino temp. self.Tnu = self.Tnu0*self.gfact_o4 # Same for prefactors. self.prefix0 = fact * TCMB**4 * ((4./11.)**(4./3.)) self.prefix = self.prefix0*self.gfact self.degenerate = degenerate self.set_mnuone_() def set_mnuone_(self): if self.degenerate: self.mnuone = self.mnu_/self.Nnu_ else: self.mnuone = self.mnu_*1.0 self.omnuh2today = self.rho(1) def setMnu(self, mnu): self.mnu_ = mnu self.set_mnuone_() def setNnu(self, Nnu): self.Nnu_ = Nnu self.set_mnuone_() # @autojit
[docs] def rho(self, a): """ Neutrinos density Parameters ---------- a Returns ------- This returns the density at a normalized so that we get nuh2 at a=0 (1 eV) / (Boltzmann constant * 1 kelvin) = 11 604.5193 """ if self.mnuone == 0: return self.Nnu_*7/8.*self.prefix0/a**4 mnuOT = self.mnuone/(self.Tnu/a)*(1./ct.value(u'Boltzmann constant in eV/K')) #11604.5193 # Here for massive we use 1*prefix (accounting for 1.015 in Tnu). # For massles we use Neff*prefix0 (so we account. if self.degenerate: return 3*self.I.SevenEights(mnuOT)*self.prefix/a**4 + (self.Nnu_ - 3.014)*7/8.*self.prefix0/a**4 else: return (self.I.SevenEights(mnuOT)*self.prefix + (self.Nnu_ - 1.015)*7/8.*self.prefix0)/a**4
if __name__ == "__main__": A = NuDensity(CA.Tcmb, 3.046, 0.06) print(A.omnuh2today, '=including massless neutrinos') B = NuDensity(CA.Tcmb, 2.030, 0.00) print(B.omnuh2today, end=' ') print(A.omnuh2today-B.omnuh2today, '=excluding massless neutrinos') A = NuDensity(CA.Tcmb, 1.015, 60.) print(A.omnuh2today/1000., '=assuming very cold') A = NuDensity(CA.Tcmb, 1.015, 0.06) print(A.omnuh2today, '=assuming real temperature') print(1/(A.I.int_infty/A.Tnu*11604.5193*A.prefix)) print(1/(A.I.int_infty/A.Tnu*11604.5193*A.prefix*(3.046/3.)))