Source code for simplemc.cosmo.BaseCosmology

from simplemc.cosmo.paramDefs import h_par, Pr_par, s8_par
from scipy.misc import derivative
import scipy.integrate as intg
from scipy import constants
import scipy as sp

[docs]class BaseCosmology: """ Base Cosmology class doesn't know about your parameterization of the equation of state or densities or anything. However, it does know about Hubble's constant at z=0 OR the prefactor c/(H0*rd) which should be fit for in the case of "rd agnostic" fits. That is why you should let it declare those parameters based on its settings However, to get the angular diameter distance you need to pass it its Curvature parameter (Omega_k basically), so you need to update it. Also to use fs8 dataset you need to add s8 parameter. We use speed of light in km s^-1. Parameters ---------- h : float Value of the Hubble parameter h = H/100. """ c_ = constants.c/1000. def __init__(self, h=h_par.value): self.Curv = 0 self.rd = 149.50 self.h = h self.prefact = Pr_par.value self.s8 = s8_par.value self.varys8 = False self.varyPrefactor = False BaseCosmology.updateParams(self, []) def setCurvature(self, R): self.Curv = R def setrd(self, rd): self.rd = rd def setVaryPrefactor(self, T=True): self.varyPrefactor = T def setPrefactor(self, p): self.prefact = p def prefactor(self): if self.varyPrefactor: return self.prefact else: return self.c_/(self.rd*self.h*100) def setVarys8(self, T=True): self.varys8= T def freeParameters(self): if (self.varyPrefactor): Pr_par.setValue(self.prefact) l = [Pr_par] else: h_par.setValue(self.h) l = [h_par] if (self.varys8): s8_par.setValue(self.s8) l.append(s8_par) return l def printFreeParameters(self): print("Free parameters:") self.printParameters(self.freeParameters()) def printParameters(self, params): l = [] for p in params: print(, '=', p.value, '+/-', p.error) l.append("{}: {} = +/- {}".format(, p.value, p.error)) return l
[docs] def updateParams(self, pars): """ Update parameters values. Parameters ---------- pars : list List of instance of the Parameter class """ for p in pars: if == "h": self.h = p.value elif == "Pr": self.setPrefactor(p.value) # h shouldn't matter here. # We do not want it to enter secondarily through # say neutrinos, so let's keep it sane. # # self.h=p.value*self.rd*100/self.c_ elif == 's8': self.s8 = p.value return True
def prior_loglike(self): return 0
[docs] def RHSquared_a(self, a): """ This is relative h-squared as a function of the factor scale a i.e. H(z)^2/H(z=0)^2. Parameters ---------- a : float Factor scale. """ print("You should not instatiate BaseCosmology") print("BAD") return 0
def Hinv_z(self, z): return 1./sp.sqrt(self.RHSquared_a(1.0/(1+z))) # @autojit def DistIntegrand_a(self, a): return 1./sp.sqrt(self.RHSquared_a(a))/a**2 # @autojit def Da_z(self, z): # r=intg.quad(self.Hinv_z,0,z) # This version seems to be faster. r = intg.quad(self.DistIntegrand_a, 1./(1+z), 1) r = r[0] # assume precision is ok if self.Curv == 0: return r elif (self.Curv > 0): q = sp.sqrt(self.Curv) # someone check this eq # Pure ADD has a 1+z fact, but have # comoving one. return sp.sinh(r*q)/(q) else: q = sp.sqrt(-self.Curv) return sp.sin(r*q)/(q) # Angular distance. def AD_z(self, z): return self.Da_z(z)*self.c_/(self.h*100)/(1+z) # D_a / rd def DaOverrd(self, z): return self.prefactor()*self.Da_z(z) # H^{-1} / rd def HIOverrd(self, z): return self.prefactor()*self.Hinv_z(z) # Dv / rd def DVOverrd(self, z): return self.prefactor()*(self.Da_z(z)**(2./3.)*(z*self.Hinv_z(z))**(1./3.)) # Distance modulus. def distance_modulus(self, z): # I think this should also work with varyPrefactor as long as BAO is there too # assert(not self.varyPrefactor) # Note that our Da_z is comoving, so we're only # multilpyting with a single (1+z) factor. return 5*sp.log10(self.Da_z(z)*(1+z)) # Returns the growth factor as a function of redshift. def GrowthIntegrand_a(self, a): return 1./(self.RHSquared_a(a)*a*a)**(1.5) def growth(self, z): # Equation 7.77 from Doddie af = 1/(1.+z) r = intg.quad(self.GrowthIntegrand_a, 1e-7, af) gr = sp.sqrt(self.RHSquared_a(af))*r[0] # assuming precision is ok # If we have Omega_m, let's normalize that way. if hasattr(self, "Om"): gr *= 5/2.*self.Om return gr def fs8(self, z): # The growth factor. return -self.s8*(1+z)*derivative(self.growth, z, dx=1e-6)/self.growth(0) def compuAge(self, z): return 1.0/((1+z)*100.0*self.h*sp.sqrt(self.RHSquared_a(1.0/(1+z)))) def Age(self): # Age of the Universe. return intg.quad(self.compuAge, 0, 10**5)[0]/3.24076E-20/(3.154E7*1.0E9)