Source code for simplemc.analyzers.neuralike.NeuralManager

# Temporarily unavailable. Neuralike in development.
## TODO: usar modelChecker once it is trained, and flag for overige

from .GridLikes import GridLikes
from .NeuralNet import NeuralNet
import os

[docs]class NeuralManager: """ Manager for neural networks to learn likelihood function over a grid Parameters ----------- loglikelihood pars_bounds rootname ndivsgrid hidden_layers_neurons epochs plot """ def __init__(self, loglikelihood, pars_bounds, rootname, ndivsgrid=5, hidden_layers_neurons=None, epochs=100, plot=True, **kwargs): if hidden_layers_neurons is None: hidden_layers_neurons = [100, 100, 100] self.loglikelihood = loglikelihood self.pars_bounds = pars_bounds self.ndivsgrid = ndivsgrid self.epochs = epochs self.plot = plot self.grid_path = 'simplemc/analyzers/neuralike/neural_models/{}'.format(rootname) self.model_path = 'simplemc/analyzers/neuralike/neural_models/{}.h5'.format(rootname) self.fig_path = 'simplemc/analyzers/neuralike/neural_models/{}.png'.format(rootname) self.learning_rate = kwargs.pop('learning_rate', 5e-4) self.batch_size = kwargs.pop('batch_size', 32) self.early_tol = kwargs.pop('early_tol', 100) self.psplit = kwargs.pop('psplit', 0.8) self.topology = [len(pars_bounds)] + hidden_layers_neurons + [1] if not self.modelChecker(): self.neural_model = self.load() def training(self): grid = GridLikes(self.loglikelihood, self.pars_bounds, ndivs=self.ndivsgrid, files_path=self.grid_path) samples, likes = grid.make_dataset() neural_model = NeuralNet(X=samples, Y=likes, topology=self.topology, epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batch_size, learrning_rate=self.learning_rate) neural_model.train() neural_model.save_model('{}'.format(self.model_path)) if self.plot: neural_model.plot(save=True, figname='{}'.format(self.fig_path), show=False) return True def load(self): neural_model = NeuralNet(load=True, model_path=self.model_path) return neural_model
[docs] def modelChecker(self): """ This method checks if the name of the model.h5 exists, if it already exists use it, otherwise train a new neural net in order to generate a new model. """ if os.path.isfile('{}'.format(self.model_path)): return True else: return False
def loglikelihood(self, params): return self.neural_model.predict(params)