Source code for simplemc.analyzers.MaxLikeAnalyzer

from simplemc.plots.Plot_elipses import plot_elipses
from simplemc.cosmo.Derivedparam import AllDerived
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.linalg as la
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import sys

    import numdifftools as nd
    sys.exit('install numdifftools')

[docs]class MaxLikeAnalyzer: """ This is an analyzer that takes a Likelihood function and then tries to maximize it with L-BFGS-B method and get the errors from the second derivative matrix. It kinda works, but not very well. :param like: likelihood function. :param model: theoretical model. :param compute_errors: Compute errors. :type compute_errors: Boolean :param compute_derived: Compute derivatives. :type compute_derived: Boolean :param show_contours: Show contours in plots. :type show_contours: Boolean :param plot_param1: x-axis parameter to plot. :type plot_param1: str :param plot_param2: y-axis parameter to plot. :type plot_param2: str """ def __init__(self, like, model, compute_errors=False, compute_derived= False, show_contours=False, plot_param1=None, plot_param2=None, outputname=None): = like self.model = model self.outputname = outputname self.params = like.freeParameters() self.vpars = [p.value for p in self.params] self.sigma = sp.array([p.error for p in self.params]) self.cov = None bounds = [p.bounds for p in self.params] print("Minimizing...", self.vpars, "with bounds", bounds) self.res = minimize(self.negloglike, self.vpars, bounds=bounds, method='L-BFGS-B') print(self.res, 'with Errors =', compute_errors) if compute_derived: for par, val in zip(self.params, self.res.x): par.setValue(val) print('--'*5, 'Derived parameters', '--'*5) for der_par in AllDerived().listDerived( print(, ': ', der_par.value) print('--'*20) # for errors, consider the df = J cov_x J^t hess = nd.Hessian(self.negloglike, step=self.sigma*0.01)(self.res.x) eigvl, eigvc = la.eig(hess) print('Hessian', hess, eigvl, ) self.cov = la.inv(hess) with open('{}.maxlike'.format(self.outputname), 'w') as f: np.savetxt(f, self.res.x, fmt='%.4e', delimiter=',') with open('{}.cov'.format(self.outputname), 'w') as f: np.savetxt(f, self.cov, fmt='%.4e', delimiter=',') if (compute_errors): print('Covariance matrix \n', self.cov) # set errors: for i, pars in enumerate(self.params): pars.setError(sp.sqrt(self.cov[i, i])) # update with the final result self.opt_loglike = self.negloglike(self.res.x) self.result() if show_contours and compute_errors: param_names = [ for par in self.params] if (plot_param1 in param_names) and (plot_param2 in param_names): idx_param1 = param_names.index(plot_param1) idx_param2 = param_names.index(plot_param2) else: sys.exit('\n Not a base parameter, derived-errors still on construction') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plot_elipses(self.res.x, self.cov, idx_param1, idx_param2, ax=ax) def negloglike(self, x): for i, pars in enumerate(self.params): pars.setValue(x[i]) loglike = if sp.isnan(loglike): return self.lastval+10 else: self.lastval = -loglike return -loglike def result(self): print ("------") print("Done.") print("Optimal loglike : ", self.opt_loglike) return {'maxlike': self.opt_loglike, 'param_fit': self.res.x, 'cov': self.cov}