Source code for simplemc.analyzers.MCMCAnalyzer

#TODO print the Accepted # for each rank

from simplemc.cosmo.Derivedparam import AllDerived
import scipy.linalg as la
import scipy as sp
import copy
import random
import sys
from numpy import loadtxt

[docs]class MCMCAnalyzer: """ MCMC sampler (Metropolis-Hastings). This is the MCMC module. It spits out chains that are compatible with CosmoM it calculates cov matrix during burn-in. optional temperature makes it sample at a higher temperature but note that this guy, as opposed to cosmomc, reweights the weights on the fly. Parameters ----------- like : Likelihood object Object of a Likelihood class. outfile : str Output file. skip : int Burn-in. nsamp : int Number of mcmc samples. temp : float Temperature cov : numpy.array Covariance matrix. Default: None. addDerived : bool In order to ad derived parameters such as age of the universe and Omega_{Lambda}. GRstop : float Gelman-Rubin criteria. """ def __init__(self, like, outfile, skip=5000, nsamp=100000, temp=1.0, cov=None, chain_num=None, addDerived=False, GRstop=0.01, checkGR=500): try: from mpi4py import MPI self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD name = MPI.Get_processor_name() self.chain_num = self.comm.rank+1 #chain_num print("Hello, World! " "I am process %d of %d on %s" % (self.comm.rank, self.comm.size, name)) except: self.chain_num = 1 print("Running only 1 chain without MPI.") = like self.outfile = outfile self.nsamp = nsamp self.skip = skip self.temp = float(temp) # temperature self.cpars = like.freeParameters() self.N = len(self.cpars) self.derived = addDerived self.checkgr = checkGR minvals, maxvals = [], [] for lb, hb in [p.bounds for p in self.cpars]: minvals.append(lb) maxvals.append(hb) self.minvals = sp.array(minvals) self.maxvals = sp.array(maxvals) print("Bounds:", self.minvals, self.maxvals) if ( == "Composite"): self.sublikenames = like.compositeNames() self.composite = True else: self.composite = False if (cov == None): # make initial cov matrix from diagonal "errors" errs = [0.01*p.error**2 for p in self.cpars] self.init_pcov(sp.diag(errs)) else: self.init_pcov(cov) if self.derived: self.AD = AllDerived() self.GRcondition = GRstop self.RunChain() def init_pcov(self, mat): self.chol = la.cholesky(mat) def RunChain(self): self.openFiles() self.cloglike, self.cloglikes = self.getLikes() # set up logofs based on the first log like which should be # the same for all chains. Better than nothing. #self.logofs=self.cloglike # Actually, above doesn't seem to work very well. # Instead, use zero, as our likelihoods never became very large self.logofs = 0 # current weight = 0 # current counter = 0 # mean for burin self.swx = 0 self.meanx = sp.zeros(self.N) self.meanxx = sp.zeros((self.N, self.N)) # max loglike self.maxloglike = -1e30 # are we done self.done = False #converge self.lpars = [] #Uses the last percentage of the chain self.percen = 0.4 = None print("Starting chain...") while not (self.done): ppars, numout = self.GetProposal() += numout ## things hitting outside the prior are formally rejected samples ploglike, ploglikes = self.getLikes() if (sp.isnan(ploglike)): print("\nSomething bad has happened, nan in loglike, assuming zero log") ploglike = -1e50 # print cloglike, ploglike, [p.value for p in like.freeParameters()], [p.value for p in self.cpars] if (ploglike > self.cloglike): accept = True else: accept = (sp.exp((ploglike-self.cloglike)/self.temp) > random.uniform(0., 1.)) # print [p.value for p in ppars], accept, ploglike # stop if (accept): self.ProcessAccepted(ppars, ploglike, ploglikes) # for i, item in enumerate(ppars): # print("\nPPARS", i, item.value, ploglike, ploglikes) else: += 1 print("Accepted: {:d} | loglike: {:3.4f} | " "Gelman-Rubin: {}".format(, self.cloglike,, end='\r') sys.stdout.flush() if ( >0 and % self.checkgr == 0): try: chains = self.comm.gather(self.lpars, root=0) if self.comm.rank ==0: = self.GRDRun(chains) #print('Gelman-Rubin R-1:', if (sp.all( < self.GRcondition)): condition = 1 self.closeFiles() else: condition = 0 else: condition = None recvmsg = self.comm.bcast(condition, root=0) if recvmsg ==1: print('\n---- Gelman-Rubin achived ---- ') self.closeFiles() return True except: # Without mpi4py installed = self.GRDRun(self.lpars) if (sp.all( < self.GRcondition)): print('\n---- Gelman-Rubin achived ---- ') self.closeFiles() return True
[docs] def GRDRun(self, chains): """ This is a implementation of the Gelman Rubin diagnostic. If the number of chains is 1, then this method divides it in two and does the diagnostic for convergence. Parameters ---------- chains : list List with the chains to perform the GR-diagnostic. Returns ------- result : float Gelman-Rubin diagnostic. """ mean_chain = [] var_chain = [] if len(chains) == 1: lchain = len(chains[0])//2 chains = [chains[0][:lchain], chains[0][lchain:]] else: clen = [len(chain) for chain in chains] if len(set(clen)) == 1: lchain = clen[0] else: #print('take same # steps', clen) lchain = min(clen) try: for chain in chains: mean_chain.append(sp.mean(chain[-lchain:], axis=0)) var_chain.append(sp.var(chain[-lchain:], axis=0)) except: return 1 M = sp.mean(mean_chain, axis=0) W = sp.mean(var_chain, axis=0) B= sum([(b-M)**2 for b in mean_chain]) B = lchain/(len(chains)- 1.)*B R = (1. - 1./lchain)*W + B/lchain result = sp.array(sp.absolute(1- sp.sqrt(R/W))) return result
[docs] def openFiles(self): """ Open the files to save the samples and maxlike. Also add the Dervided Parameters if addDerived option is True. """ outfile = self.outfile formstr = '%g ' + '%g '*(self.N+1) if self.derived: formstr += '%g '*(len(self.AD.list)) if (self.composite): formstr += '%g '*(len(self.sublikenames)+1) formstr += '\n' if (self.chain_num == None): self.cfname = outfile + ".txt" mlfname = outfile + ".maxlike" else: self.cfname = outfile + "_%i.txt" % (self.chain_num) mlfname = outfile + "_%i.maxlike" % (self.chain_num) self.fout = open(self.cfname, 'w') self.mlfout = open(mlfname, 'w') self.formstr = formstr
def closeFiles(self): chain = loadtxt(self.cfname) self.weights = chain[:, 0] self.samples = chain[:, 2:self.N+2] self.loglikes = chain[:, 1] self.mlfout.close()
[docs] def getLikes(self): """ Get loglikelihoods values from the used data. """ if (self.composite): cloglikes = cloglike = cloglikes.sum() else: cloglikes = [] cloglike = return cloglike, cloglikes
[docs] def GetProposal(self): """ Generation of proposal point in mcmc. """ vec = sp.zeros(self.N) numreject = 0 while True: ppars = copy.deepcopy(self.cpars) step = self.draw_pcov() #print ('step #', [p.value for p in ppars]) for i, p in enumerate(ppars): p.value += step[i] vec[i] = p.value if all(vec > self.minvals) and all(vec < self.maxvals): return ppars, numreject numreject += 1
def draw_pcov(self): a = sp.array([random.gauss(0., 1,) for _ in range(self.N)]) return, self.chol) def ProcessAccepted(self, ppars, ploglike, ploglikes): += 1 # if ( % 100 == 0): #JAV 1000 # print("Accepted samples",, vec = [p.value for p in self.cpars] #for convergence self.lpars.append(vec) if % 10 ==0: del self.lpars[:int((1-self.percen)*10)] if ( > self.skip): # weight rescaled wers =*sp.exp((self.cloglike-self.logofs) * (self.temp-1.0)/self.temp) tmp = [wers, -self.cloglike] + vec if self.derived: tmp += [pd.value for pd in self.AD.listDerived(] if (self.composite): outstr = self.formstr % tuple(tmp + self.cloglikes.tolist()) else: outstr = self.formstr % tuple(tmp) self.fout.write(outstr) # Flush file on regular basis if ( % 100 == 0): #JAV 1000 self.fout.flush() if (self.cloglike > self.maxloglike): self.maxloglike = self.cloglike #print("New maxloglike", self.maxloglike) self.mlfout.write(outstr) self.mlfout.flush() self.maxloglike if > self.nsamp: print('Number of steps achieved') self.done = True self.closeFiles() elif ( < self.skip): self.swx += v = sp.array(vec) self.meanx += v* self.meanxx += sp.outer(v, v)* if ( > 30): print("\nStill burning in, weight too large") self.chol *= 0.9 # print( else: # co==skip self.meanx /= self.swx self.meanxx /= self.swx self.meanxx -= sp.outer(self.meanx, self.meanx) print("\nRe-initializing covariance matrix after burn-in") print(self.meanxx) print() # for i, p in enumerate(self.cpars): # print("{}: {} +/- {}".format(, p.value, sp.sqrt(self.meanxx[i, i]))) self.init_pcov(self.meanxx) = 1 self.cpars = ppars self.cloglike = ploglike if self.composite: self.cloglikes = ploglikes def get_results(self): return {'samples': self.samples, 'weights': self.weights, 'loglikes': self.loglikes, 'gr_diagnostic':}