#TODO check: if self.analyzername is None
from .analyzers import MaxLikeAnalyzer
from .analyzers import GA_deap
from .analyzers import MCMCAnalyzer
from .analyzers import DynamicNestedSampler, NestedSampler
#from .analyzers import EnsembleSampler
from .cosmo.Derivedparam import AllDerived
from . import ParseDataset, ParseModel
from .PostProcessing import PostProcessing
from scipy.special import ndtri
from simplemc import logger
import numpy as np
import sys, os
import time
[docs]class DriverMC:
This class is the manager and wrapper between all
the analyzers and the pertinent functions.
It reads the input parameters or ini file.
iniFile: ini file
Text file with ini extension that contains all the settings
to SimpleMC. If use this option the following kwargs not are necessary.
chainsdir : str
Directory for the outputs.
model : str
Choose the model {LCDOM, LCDMasslessnu, nuLCDM, NeffLCDM, noradLCDM, nuoLCDM, nuwLCDM, oLCDM, wCDM, waCDM, owCDM,"\
owaCDM, JordiCDM, WeirdCDM, TLight, StepCDM, Spline, PolyCDM, fPolyCDM, Decay, Decay01, Decay05,"\
EarlyDE, EarlyDE_rd_DE, SlowRDE}
prefact :str
{phy, pre}
vary8 : bool
Default False
datasets str:
Default HD (Hubble distance, i. e. Cosmic Chronometers).
You can combine HD+SN+BBAO+Planck+UnionSN+...
analyzername : str
The name of the analyzer. It can be a sampler: {mcmc, nested, emcee}
or a optimizer: {maxlike, ga_deap}
compute_derived : bool
True generates at the flight some derived parameters (such as
Omega_Lambda or Universe Age, and save them in the output text file.
custom_parameters : list
List of Parameter instances.
custom_function : method
Custom method that reads a parameter list and a vector x, unzip the list,
and return a f(x) in terms of the parameters.
path_to_data : str
path of a dataset text file.
path_to_cov : str
path of a covariance matrix text file.
fn : str
Type of function to use in the likelihood due a custom data {"generic", "hz", ...}.
def __init__(self, iniFile=None, **kwargs):
self.dict_resulẗ́ = {}
self.iniFile = iniFile
if self.iniFile: self.iniReader(iniFile)
self.chainsdir = kwargs.pop('chainsdir', 'simplemc/chains')
self.model = kwargs.pop('model', None)
self.prefact = kwargs.pop('prefact', 'phy')
self.varys8 = kwargs.pop('varys8', False)
self.datasets = kwargs.pop('datasets','HD')
self.analyzername = kwargs.pop('analyzername', None)
self.addDerived = kwargs.pop('addDerived', False)
self.useNeuralLike = kwargs.pop('useNeuralLike', False)
self.mcevidence = kwargs.pop('mcevidence', False)
self.mcevidence_k = kwargs.pop('mcevidence_k', 4)
self.overwrite = kwargs.pop('overwrite', True)
self.getdist = kwargs.pop('getdist', False)
self.corner = kwargs.pop('corner', False)
self.simpleplot = kwargs.pop('simpleplot', False)
self.showfig = kwargs.pop('showfig', False)
## Next two are for custom model
self.custom_parameters = kwargs.pop('custom_parameters', None)
self.custom_function = kwargs.pop('custom_function', None)
## Following two are for custom data
self.path_to_data = kwargs.pop('path_to_data', None)
self.path_to_cov = kwargs.pop('path_to_cov', None)
self.fn = kwargs.pop("fn", "generic")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.chainsdir)):
self.chainsdir = os.path.join(self.chainsdir)
logger.info("Your chains directory does not exist. Create a new one and try again.")
if kwargs:
logger.critical('Unexpected **kwargs for DriverMC: {}'.format(kwargs))
logger.info('You can skip writing any option and SimpleMC will use the default value.\n'
'DriverMC **kwargs are:\n\tmodel\n\t'
'analyzername {"nested", "mcmc", "maxlike", "emcee" , "ga_deap"} Default: mcmc'
'\n\tchainsdir Default: SimpleMC_chains\n\t')
#Initialize the Theory & Datasets
T = ParseModel(self.model, custom_parameters=self.custom_parameters,
L = ParseDataset(self.datasets, path_to_data=self.path_to_data,
path_to_cov=self.path_to_cov, fn=self.fn)
if self.prefact == "pre": T.setVaryPrefactor()
if self.varys8 == True: T.setVarys8()
#set the likelihood for a model
self.T, self.L = T, L
self.pars_info = self.L.freeParameters()
self.bounds = [p.bounds for p in self.pars_info]
self.means = [p.value for p in self.pars_info]
self.paramsList = [p.name for p in self.pars_info]
self.dims = len(self.paramsList)
self.root = "{}_{}_{}".format(self.model, self.prefact,
self.outputpath = "{}/{}".format(self.chainsdir, self.root)
if self.useNeuralLike:
print("Neuralike is under development. It cannot be used at this time.")
# neural_model = self.neuralLike(iniFile=self.iniFile)
# self.logLike = neural_model.loglikelihood
[docs] def executer(self, **kwargs):
This is a wrapper of the runners of the analyzer in order to make
easier the execution, mainly if is through an ini file.
**kwargs from mcmcRunner, nestedRunner, emceeRunner, genetic_deap and maxlikeRunner.
if self.analyzername == 'mcmc':
self.mcmcRunner(iniFile=self.iniFile, **kwargs)
elif self.analyzername == 'nested':
self.nestedRunner(iniFile=self.iniFile, **kwargs)
elif self.analyzername == 'emcee':
self.emceeRunner(iniFile=self.iniFile, **kwargs)
elif self.analyzername == 'maxlike':
self.maxLikeRunner(iniFile=self.iniFile, **kwargs)
elif self.analyzername == 'ga_deap':
self.geneticdeap(iniFile=self.iniFile, **kwargs)
sys.exit("{}: Sampler/Analyzer name invalid".format(self.analyzername))
return self.dict_result
##----------------------Initialization ------------------------
[docs] def iniReader(self, iniFile):
It reads the ini file through configparser.
iniFile : file .ini
Text file with settings
import configparser
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
self.chainsdir = self.config.get( 'custom', 'chainsdir',\
self.model = self.config.get( 'custom', 'model')
self.prefact = self.config.get( 'custom', 'prefact', fallback='phy')
self.datasets = self.config.get( 'custom', 'datasets', fallback='HD')
self.analyzername = self.config.get( 'custom', 'analyzername', fallback=None)
self.varys8 = self.config.getboolean( 'custom', 'varys8', fallback=False)
self.addDerived = self.config.getboolean( 'custom', 'addDerived', fallback=False)
self.useNeuralLike = self.config.getboolean('custom', 'useNeuralLike', fallback=False)
self.mcevidence = self.config.getboolean('custom', 'mcevidence', fallback=False)
self.mcevidence_k = self.config.getint('custom', 'mcevidence_k', fallback=4)
self.overwrite = self.config.getboolean('custom', 'overwrite', fallback=True)
self.getdist = self.config.getboolean('custom', 'getdist', fallback=False)
self.corner = self.config.getboolean('custom', 'corner', fallback=False)
self.simpleplot = self.config.getboolean('custom', 'simpleplot', fallback=False)
self.showfig = self.config.getboolean('custom', 'showfig', fallback=False)
self.custom_parameters = self.config.get( 'custom', 'custom_parameters', fallback=None)
self.custom_function = self.config.get( 'custom', 'custom_function', fallback=None)
## Following two are for custom data
self.path_to_data = self.config.get( 'custom', 'path_to_data', fallback=None)
self.path_to_cov = self.config.get( 'custom', 'path_to_cov', fallback=None)
self.fn = self.config.get('custom', 'fn', fallback="generic")
return True
##======== ======== ======== Samplers ======== ======== ========
##---------------------- MCMC ----------------------
[docs] def mcmcRunner(self, iniFile=None, **kwargs):
This method calls MCMCAnalyzer.
nsamp : int
Number of mcmc steps.
skip : int
temp : float
Temperature for the weights.
GRstop : float
Gelman Rubin criteria for stopping (0, 0.1].
evidence : bool
True if after the mcmc chain was generated,
estimates bayesian evidence throug MCEvidence (arXiv:1704.03472).
if iniFile:
nsamp = self.config.getint( 'mcmc', 'nsamp', fallback=50000)
skip = self.config.getint( 'mcmc', 'skip', fallback=300)
## temperature at which to sample, weights get readjusted on the fly
temp = self.config.getfloat( 'mcmc', 'temp', fallback=2)
GRstop = self.config.getfloat( 'mcmc', 'GRstop', fallback=0.01)
checkGR = self.config.getfloat( 'mcmc', 'checkGR', fallback=500)
nsamp = kwargs.pop('nsamp', 50000)
skip = kwargs.pop('skip', 300)
temp = kwargs.pop('temp', 2)
GRstop = kwargs.pop('GRstop', 0.01)
checkGR = kwargs.pop('checkGR', 500)
if kwargs:
logger.critical('Unexpected **kwargs for MCMC: {}'.format(kwargs))
logger.info('You can skip writing any option and SimpleMC will use default values.\n'
'MCMC executer kwargs are:\n\tnsamp (int) Default: 50000\n\t'
'skip (int) Default 300\n\ttemp (float) Default: 2.0'
'\n\tmcevidence (bool) Default: False\n\tGRstop (float) Default: 0.01')
#raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: {}'.format(kwargs))
logger.info("\n\tnsamp: {}\n\tskip: {}\n\t"
"temp: {}\n\tmcevidence: {}\n\tGRstop: {}".format(
nsamp, skip, temp, self.mcevidence, GRstop))
if self.analyzername is None: self.analyzername = 'mcmc'
self.outputpath = "{}_{}".format(self.outputpath, self.analyzername)
#Check whether the file already exists
ti = time.time()
#Main process
M = MCMCAnalyzer(self.L, self.outputpath, skip=skip, nsamp=nsamp, temp = temp,
addDerived=self.addDerived, GRstop=GRstop, checkGR=checkGR)
self.ttime = time.time() - ti
res = {'samples': M.get_results()['samples'], 'weights': M.get_results()['weights'],
'maxlike': -M.maxloglike, 'loglikes': M.get_results()['loglikes'],
'gr_diagnostic': M.get_results()['gr_diagnostic']}
self.dict_result = {'analyzer': 'mcmc', 'result': res}
return True
##---------------------- Nested ----------------------
[docs] def nestedRunner(self, iniFile=None, **kwargs):
This method calls Dynesty nested samplers.
dynamic : bool
Default `False`
nestedType : str
{single, multi, balls, cubes}
nlivepoints : int
Number of live points.
accuracy : float
Stopping criteria in terms of logz.
nproc : int
Number of processors to parallelize.
Use 1 or 0 if you don't want parallelise.
priortype : str
Gaussian or uniform prior {'g', 'u'}.
nsigma : float
Sigma for gaussian priors.
if iniFile:
dynamic = self.config.getboolean( 'nested', 'dynamic', fallback=False)
nestedType = self.config.get( 'nested', 'nestedType', fallback='multi')
nlivepoints = self.config.getint( 'nested', 'nlivepoints', fallback=1024)
accuracy = self.config.getfloat( 'nested', 'accuracy', fallback=0.01)
nproc = self.config.getint( 'nested', 'nproc', fallback=1)
self.priortype = self.config.get('nested', 'priortype', fallback='u')
#nsigma is the default value for sigma in gaussian priors
self.nsigma = self.config.get('nested', 'sigma', fallback=2)
dynamic = kwargs.pop('dynamic', False)
nestedType = kwargs.pop('nestedType', 'multi')
nlivepoints = kwargs.pop('nlivepoints', 1024)
accuracy = kwargs.pop('accuracy', 0.01)
nproc = kwargs.pop('nproc', 1)
self.priortype = kwargs.pop('priortype', 'u')
self.nsigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', 2)
if kwargs:
logger.critical('Unexpected **kwargs for nested sampler: {}'.format(kwargs))
logger.info('You can skip writing any option and SimpleMC will use the default value.\n'
'Nested executer options are:\n\tnlivepoints (int) Default: 1024\n\t'
'accuracy (float) Default: 0.01\n\tpriortype ({"u", "g"}) Default: "u"\n\t'
'nestedType {"multi", "single", "balls", "cubes"} Default: "multi"\n\t'
'dynamic (bool) Default: False\n\t'
'addDerived (bool) Default: True')
#stored output files
if self.analyzername is None: self.analyzername = 'nested'
self.outputpath = '{}_{}_{}'.format(self.outputpath, self.analyzername, nestedType)
#paralel run
pool, nprocess = self.mppool(nproc)
logger.info("\n\tnlivepoints: {}\n"
"\taccuracy: {}\n"
"\tnested type: {}".format(nlivepoints, accuracy, nestedType))
ti = time.time()
if dynamic:
logger.info("\nUsing dynamic nested sampling...")
sampler = DynamicNestedSampler(self.logLike, self.priorTransform,
self.dims, bound=nestedType, pool=pool,
sampler.run_nested(nlive_init=nlivepoints, dlogz_init=0.05, nlive_batch=100,
maxiter_init=10000, maxiter_batch=1000, maxbatch=10,
outputname=self.outputpath, addDerived=self.addDerived, simpleLike=self.L)
M = sampler.results
sampler = NestedSampler(self.logLike, self.priorTransform, self.dims,
bound=nestedType, sample = 'unif', nlive = nlivepoints,
pool = pool, queue_size=nprocess, use_pool={'loglikelihood': False})
sampler.run_nested(dlogz=accuracy, outputname=self.outputpath,
addDerived=self.addDerived, simpleLike=self.L)
M = sampler.results
self.ttime = time.time() - ti
res = {'samples': M.samples, 'logwt': M.logwt, 'maxlike': -np.max(M.logl),
'loglikes': -M.logl, 'nlive': M.nlive, 'niter': M.niter,
'ncall': sum(M.ncall), '%eff': M.eff, 'logz': M.logz[-1], 'logzerr': M.logzerr[-1],
'weights': np.exp(M.logwt - M.logz[-1])}
self.dict_result = {'analyzer': 'nested', 'nested_algorithm': nestedType,
'dynamic': dynamic, 'result': res}
return True
##---------------------- EMCEE ----------------------
[docs] def emceeRunner(self, iniFile=None, **kwargs):
This method calls the emcee library to use ensamble sampler.
walkers : int
Number of walkers or ensambles.
nsamp : int
Number of mcmc steps for each walker.
burnin : int
skip steps.
nproc : int
Number of processors in order to parallelise.
if iniFile:
walkers = self.config.getint('emcee', 'walkers', fallback=self.dims*2+2)
nsamp = self.config.getint('emcee', 'nsamp', fallback=10000)
burnin = self.config.getint('emcee', 'burnin', fallback=0)
nproc = self.config.getint('emcee', 'nproc', fallback=1)
walkers = kwargs.pop('walkers', self.dims*2+2)
nsamp = kwargs.pop('nsamp', 10000)
burnin = kwargs.pop('burnin', 0)
nproc = kwargs.pop('nproc', 1)
if kwargs:
logger.critical('Unexpected **kwargs for emcee sampler: {}'.format(kwargs))
logger.info('You can skip writing any option and SimpleMC will use the default value.\n'
'Emcee executer options are:'
'\n\twalkers (int) Default: 30\n\t'
'nsamp (int) Default: 20000\n\t'
'burnin (int) Default: 0\n\t'
'nproc (int) Default: 1')
logger.info("\n\twalkers: {}\n\tnsamp: {}\n"
"\tburnin: {}\n\t"
"nproc: {}".format(walkers, nsamp, burnin, nproc))
if self.analyzername is None: self.analyzername = 'emcee'
self.outputpath = "{}_{}_{}_walkers".format(self.outputpath, self.analyzername, walkers)
pool, _ = self.mppool(nproc)
# initial_state = None
ini = []
for bound in self.bounds:
ini.append(np.random.uniform(bound[0], bound[1], walkers))
inisamples = np.array(ini).T # initial samples
ti = time.time()
sampler = EnsembleSampler(walkers, self.dims,
self.logPosterior, pool=pool)
sampler.sample(initial_state=self.means, tune=True, thin_by=3)
# pass the initial samples and total number of samples required
sampler.run_mcmc(inisamples, nsamp + burnin,
progress=True, outputname=self.outputpath,
addDerived=self.addDerived, simpleLike=self.L)
self.ttime = time.time() - ti
self.burnin = burnin
samples = sampler.get_chain(flat=True)
weights = np.ones(len(samples))
res = {'samples': samples, 'weights': weights,
'loglikes': sampler.loglikes, 'maxlike': np.max(sampler.loglikes)}
self.dict_result = {'analyzer': 'emcee', 'walkers': walkers, 'nsamples': nsamp, 'result': res}
return True
##======== ======== ======== Optimizers ======== ======== ========
##---------------------- MaxLikeAnalizer ----------------------
[docs] def maxLikeRunner(self, iniFile=None, **kwargs):
It calls MaxLikeAnalyzer class.
withErrors : bool
Plot errors.
plot_par1 : bool
First parameter to plot.
plot_par2 : bool
Second parameter to plot.
if self.analyzername is None:
self.analyzername = 'maxlike'
self.outputpath = '{}_{}_optimization'.format(self.outputpath, self.analyzername)
if iniFile:
compute_errors = self.config.getboolean('maxlike', 'compute_errors', fallback=False)
show_contours = self.config.getboolean('maxlike', 'show_contours', fallback=False)
plot_param1 = self.config.get('maxlike', 'plot_param1', fallback=None)
plot_param2 = self.config.get('maxlike', 'plot_param2', fallback=None)
compute_derived = self.config.getboolean('maxlike', 'compute_derived', fallback=False)
compute_errors = kwargs.pop('compute_errors', False)
show_contours = kwargs.pop('show_contours', False)
plot_param1 = kwargs.pop('plot_param1', None)
plot_param2 = kwargs.pop('plot_param2', None)
compute_derived = kwargs.pop('compute_derived ', False)
if kwargs:
logger.critical('Unexpected **kwargs for MaxLike: {}'.format(kwargs))
logger.info('You can skip writing any option and SimpleMC will use the default value.\n'
'MaxLikeAnalyzer executer options are:'
'\n\twithErrors (bool) Default: False')
ti = time.time()
A = MaxLikeAnalyzer(self.L, self.model, compute_errors=compute_errors,
compute_derived=compute_derived, show_contours=show_contours,\
plot_param1=plot_param1, plot_param2=plot_param2, outputname=self.outputpath)
self.ttime = time.time() - ti
res = A.result()
res['weights'], res['samples'] = None, None
self.dict_result = {'analyzer': self.analyzername, 'result': res}
return True
##---------------------- Genetic Algorithms ----------------------
[docs] def geneticdeap(self, iniFile=None, **kwargs):
Genetic algorithms from Deap library.
if self.analyzername is None: self.analyzername = 'ga_deap'
self.outputpath = '{}_{}'.format(self.outputpath, self.analyzername)
if iniFile:
plot_fitness = self.config.getboolean('ga_deap', 'plot_fitness', fallback=False)
compute_errors = self.config.getboolean('ga_deap', 'compute_errors', fallback=False)
show_contours = self.config.getboolean('ga_deap', 'show_contours', fallback=False)
plot_param1 = self.config.get('ga_deap', 'plot_param1', fallback=None)
plot_param2 = self.config.get('ga_deap', 'plot_param2', fallback=None)
population = self.config.getint('ga_deap','population', fallback=20)
crossover = self.config.getfloat('ga_deap', 'crossover', fallback=0.7)
mutation = self.config.getfloat('ga_deap', 'mutation', fallback=0.3)
max_generation = self.config.getint('ga_deap', 'max_generation', fallback=100)
hof_size = self.config.getint('ga_deap','hof_size', fallback=1)
crowding_factor = self.config.getfloat('ga_deap', 'crowding_factor',fallback=1)
plot_fitness = kwargs.pop('plot_fitness', False)
compute_errors = kwargs.pop('compute_errors', False)
show_contours = kwargs.pop('show_contours', False)
plot_param1 = kwargs.pop('plot_param1', None)
plot_param2 = kwargs.pop('plot_param2', None)
population = kwargs.pop('population', 20)
crossover = kwargs.pop('crossover', 0.7)
mutation = kwargs.pop('mutation', 0.3)
max_generation = kwargs.pop('max_generation', 100)
hof_size = kwargs.pop('hof_size', 1)
crowding_factor = kwargs.pop('crowding_factor', 1)
ti = time.time()
M = GA_deap(self.L, self.model, outputname=self.outputpath,
population=population, crossover=crossover,
mutation=mutation, max_generation=max_generation,
hof_size=hof_size, crowding_factor=crowding_factor,
plot_fitness=plot_fitness, compute_errors=compute_errors,
show_contours=show_contours, plot_param1=plot_param1,
res = M.main()
self.ttime = time.time() - ti
res['weights'], res['samples'] = None, None
self.dict_result = {'analyzer': 'ga_deap', 'max_generations': max_generation,
'mutation': mutation, 'crossover': crossover, 'result': res}
return True
##---------------------- logLike and prior Transform function ----------------------
##---------------------- for nested samplers ----------------------
[docs] def logLike(self, values):
If the sampler used isn't the MCMC of MCMCAnalyzer then, we need to set
other types of likelihoods and priors objects. This method allows that. It is a
likelihood defined for an external samplers and is used
as parameter of the sampler run function.
values : n-dim vector
implicit values, they are generated by the sampler.
assert len(self.pars_info) == len(values)
for pars, val in zip(self.pars_info, values):
if (self.L.name()=="Composite"):
loglike = self.L.loglike_wprior()
return loglike
############# for emcee: logPosterior and logPrior
[docs] def logPosterior(self, theta):
The natural logarithm of the joint posterior.
theta : tuple
A sample containing individual parameter values
data : list
The set of data/observations
sigma : float
The standard deviation of the data points
x : list
The abscissa values at which the data/model is defined
lp = self.logPrior(theta) # get the prior
# if the prior is not finite return a probability of zero (log probability of -inf)
if not np.isfinite(lp):
return -np.inf
# return the likeihood times the prior (log likelihood plus the log prior)
return lp + self.logLike(theta)
[docs] def logPrior(self, theta):
The natural logarithm of the prior probability.
theta : tuple
A sample containing individual parameter values
# set prior to 1 (log prior to 0) if in the range and zero (-inf) outside the range
for i, bound in enumerate(self.bounds):
if bound[0] < theta[i] < bound[1]:
flag = True
flag = False
if flag == True:
return 0.0
return -np.inf
[docs] def outputChecker(self):
This method check if the name of the outputfile exists, if it already exists creates a
new one with extension _new in its name.
i = 1
if self.overwrite:
self.outputpath = "{}".format(self.outputpath)
if os.path.isfile("{}_1.txt".format(self.outputpath)):
sys.exit('File with outputname {}_1.txt already exists.\n'
'Please move your files or set overwrite=True to g'
'overwrite outputs'.format(self.outputpath))
return True
[docs] def paramFiles(self):
This method writes the .paramnames file with theirs LaTeX names.
T : model
T is result of ParseModel(model)
L : likelihood
L is result of ParseDataset(datasets)
cpars = self.L.freeParameters()
parfile = "{}.paramnames".format(self.outputpath)
fpar = open(parfile, 'w')
for p in cpars:
fpar.write(p.name + "\t\t\t" + p.Ltxname + "\n")
if self.addDerived:
AD = AllDerived()
for pd in AD.list:
fpar.write(pd.name + "\t\t\t" + pd.Ltxname + "\n")
if self.analyzername in ['mcmc', 'nested', 'emcee']:
if (self.L.name() == "Composite"):
self.sublikenames = self.L.compositeNames()
for name in self.sublikenames:
fpar.write(name + "_like \t\t\t" + name + "\n")
fpar.write("theory_prior \t\t\t None \n")
[docs] def postprocess(self, addtxt=None):
It calls the PostProcessing class.
summary : bool
True for save summary.
addtxt : list
A list with strings to save with the summary.
if addtxt:
self.dict_result['additional_notes:'] = addtxt
self.dict_result['time'] = self.ttime
pp = PostProcessing(self.dict_result, self.paramsList, self.outputpath,
if self.mcevidence and self.analyzername in ['mcmc', 'nested', 'emcee']:
ev = pp.mcevidence(k=self.mcevidence_k+1)
self.dict_resulẗ́['mc_evidence'] = ev
if self.analyzername in ['nested', 'emcee']:
if self.getdist:
pp.plot(chainsdir=self.chainsdir, show=self.showfig).simpleGetdist()
if self.corner:
pp.plot(chainsdir=self.chainsdir, show=self.showfig).simpleCorner()
if self.simpleplot:
pp.plot(chainsdir=self.chainsdir, show=self.showfig).simplePlot()
# ### pool from multiprocessing
[docs] def mppool(self, nproc):
It creates a multiprocessing objet to parallelise nested and emcee samplers.
nproc : int
number of processors to use.
pool : multiprocessing.Pool
nproc : int
Number of processes
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
if nproc <= 0:
ncores = mp.cpu_count()
nprocess = ncores//2
logger.info("Using {} processors of {}.".format(nprocess, ncores))
elif nproc == 1:
logger.info("Using 1 processor")
nprocess = None
pool = None
nprocess = nproc
ncores = mp.cpu_count()
logger.info("Using {} processors of {} .".format(nprocess, ncores))
if nprocess != None:
pool = mp.Pool(processes=nprocess)
return pool, nprocess
[docs] def neuralLike(self, iniFile=None, **kwargs):
Under construction.
This method trains a neural network in order to learn the likelihood function.
from simplemc.analyzers.neuralike.NeuralManager import NeuralManager
self.outputpath = '{}_neuralike'.format(self.outputpath)
if iniFile:
ndivsgrid = self.config.getint('neuralike', 'ndivsgrid', fallback=50)
epochs = self.config.getint('neuralike', 'epochs', fallback=500)
learning_rate = self.config.getfloat('neuralike', 'learning_rate', fallback=5e-4)
batch_size = self.config.getint('neuralike', 'batch_size', fallback=32)
psplit = self.config.getfloat('neuralike', 'psplit', fallback=0.8)
hidden_layers_neurons = [int(x) for x in self.config.get('neuralike', 'hidden_layers_neurons',
fallback=[100, 100, 200]).split(',')]
nproc = self.config.getint('neuralike', 'nproc', fallback=3)
ndivsgrid = kwargs.pop('ndivsgrid', 50)
epochs = kwargs.pop('epochs', 500)
learning_rate = kwargs.pop('learning_rate', 5e-4)
batch_size = kwargs.pop('batch_size', 32)
psplit = kwargs.pop('psplit', 0.8)
hidden_layers_neurons = kwargs.pop('hidden_layers_neurons', [100, 100, 200])
nproc = kwargs.pop('nproc', 3)
if nproc > 1:
import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.Pool(processes=nproc)
pool = None
return NeuralManager(self.logLike, self.bounds, self.root, ndivsgrid=ndivsgrid,
epochs=epochs, hidden_layers_neurons=hidden_layers_neurons, psplit=psplit,
learning_rate=learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size, pool=pool)