Source code for simplemc.CosmoCalc

#!/usr/bin/env python

from simplemc.plots.Data_plots import Data_plots
from simplemc.runbase import ParseModel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker
import numpy as np
import sys

[docs]class CosmoCalc: """ Cosmological calculator to plot the basic functions Parameters ---------- model : object Cosmological model. funct : str Chosen function. It can be one of the following: 'Hubble', 'DaOverrd', 'HIOverrd', 'DVOverrd', 'HubInvOverz', 'SNIa', 'fs8', 'Age'. param : str Name of parameter. minparam : float Min value of the chosen parameter. maxparam : float Max value of the chosen parameter. nsteps : int Number of steps to linspace for plot. savepdf : bool Save a plot in pdf. zmax : float Max value to redshift. plot_data : bool Plot observational dataset? """ def __init__(self, model, funct=None, param=None, minparam=None, maxparam=None, nsteps=3, savepdf=False, zmax=3, plot_data=False): self.T = ParseModel(model) self.model = model self.funct = funct self.param = param self.Opar = None if param: assert(maxparam > minparam) self.minparam = minparam self.maxparam = maxparam for i, par in enumerate(self.T.freeParameters()): if self.param == self.Opar = par if self.Opar is None: print('No param within model') sys.exit(1) self.nsteps = nsteps self.savepdf = savepdf self.plot_data = plot_data self.plaw = 0.5 self.zmax = zmax self.zl = np.linspace(0.05, self.zmax, 50) self.func_dic={'Hubble': self.Hubble, 'DaOverrd': self.DaOverrd, 'HIOverrd': self.HIOverrd, 'DVOverrd': self.DVOverrd, 'HubInvOverz': self.HubInvOverz, 'SNIa': self.SNIa, 'fs8':self.fs8, 'Age': self.Age} try: self.function = self.func_dic[self.funct] except: print('function not in list:', list(self.func_dic.keys())) sys.exit(1) print (model) def run_plot(self, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xscale('log') if self.plot_data: self.selec_data(self.funct) if self.param is None: y= [self.function(z) for z in self.zl] plt.plot(self.zl, y, **kwargs) else: for j in np.linspace(self.minparam, self.maxparam, self.nsteps): self.Opar.setValue(j) self.T.updateParams([self.Opar]) y= [self.function(z) for z in self.zl] label = '{}={:.2f}'.format(self.param, j) plt.plot(self.zl, y, label=label, **kwargs) plt.grid() plt.title(self.model) plt.xlim(0.05, self.zmax+0.1) plt.xlabel("$z$", fontsize=25) plt.ylabel(self.ylabel, fontsize=20) plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, frameon=False, fontsize=13) # Axis ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(plt.ScalarFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator([0.1, 0.5])) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.FixedLocator([0.2, 1.0, 2])) #plt.yticks(list(range(0, 50, 10))) if self.savepdf: plt.savefig('sm_{}_{}.pdf'.format(self.model, self.funct)) return fig def selec_data(self, name): D = Data_plots() if name == 'Hubble': D.Hubble_data() if name == 'DaOverrd' : D.DaOverrd_data() if name == 'DVOverrd' : D.DVOverrd_data() if name == 'HIOverrd': D.HIOverrd_data() if name == 'SNIa': D.SNIa_data() if name == 'fs8': D.fs8_data() else: pass #--- CC -- def Hubble(self, z): function = 100*self.T.h*np.sqrt(self.T.RHSquared_a(1./(1+z))) self.ylabel = r'$H(z) [km/s Mpc^{-1}]$' return function #--- BAO -- def DaOverrd(self, z): function = 1*self.T.DaOverrd(z)/self.fixer(z) self.ylabel = "$D_M(z)/r_d \sqrt{z}$" return function #--- BAO -- def HIOverrd(self, z): function = z*self.T.HIOverrd(z)/self.fixer(z) self.ylabel="$zD_H(z)/r_d \sqrt{z}$" return function #--- BAO -- def DVOverrd(self, z): function = 1.*self.T.DVOverrd(z)/self.fixer(z) self.ylabel ="$D_v(z)/r_d \sqrt{z}$" return function def HubInvOverz(self, z): function = 100*self.T.h*np.sqrt(self.T.RHSquared_a(1./(1+z)))/(1+z) self.ylabel="$H(z)/(1+z)$" return function #--- SN -- def SNIa(self, z): function = self.T.distance_modulus(z) + 23.8 self.ylabel="$d_L(z)$" return function #--- fs8 -- def fs8(self, z): function = 1.*self.T.fs8(z) self.ylabel="$f\sigma_8(z)$" return function #--- Age -- def Age(self): AgeofUniverse= self.T.Age() print('{:.2f}Gys'.format(AgeofUniverse)) return AgeofUniverse def plot_vars(self, y, ylabel=None, **kwargs): plt.plot(self.zl, y, **kwargs) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=20) plt.xlabel("$z$", fontsize=20) plt.title(self.model) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid() def fixer(self, z): if self.plaw > 0: return z**self.plaw else: return np.log(1.+z)
if __name__ == "__main__": #C = CosmoCalc('LCDM', 'fs8') #C.run_plot(lw='2') #C = CosmoCalc('LCDM', 'DaOverrd', 'h', 0.4, 0.9) #C.run_plot(lw='2') C = CosmoCalc('owaCDM', 'fs8', 'wa', -0.5, 0.5, 5, zmax=0.8) C.run_plot(lw='1') #C = CosmoCalc('LCDM', 'Age') #C.Age()